
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Number Jewelry!

After doing all the letter bracelets, the students have gotten use to the process of the activity. When we started doing the letter bracelets you noticed that I place a circle in the middle---that is to tell the students how much glue to place on it. To fill in that circle. I still had some students drop a lot more glue that what I had instructed, but the students understood what to do. Also, I told them that if they had place a lot more glue on it, they will have to count to 1000. This was fun! Some of my students' eyes were precious! But I think, they are learning the relationship with the counting to 100 to wait for the glue to dry. So eventually they will know that counting to 1000 means they placed a lot of glue in their bracelets!

After we have been making all those letter bracelets in Spanish and in English, now we are making number bracelets. One of the Common Core Standards is to compose and decompose a number. Also, we need to learn to represent that number in different ways. We use rekenreks, and now the Bracelet Literacy is taking over my classroom.

We are starting to make number bracelets by sorting and matching all the different number representations in one bracelet. After all the practice, my students are really able to do it independently. So I am placing this as a Math Center in my classroom.

Check out the Math Bracelets, by the way they are bilingual!

Thank you for stopping by!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Children's creativity

It is amazing the creativity of the children! I think you can guess what she is doing. She has a laptop in front of her and she is using a tablet. If I only had enough to invest in having one for each of my kindergarten kids. Pretend play is the most fun to observe! 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Mathematics Number Literacy

Mathematics is such a great subject!

The young Kinder students are so open and they will enjoy and learn the attitudes of the adults around them. So, if you feared Math, guess what? Your children will fear it too!

It is all about how you present it and play with it. Yes! I do admit it, I do play, and yes I enjoy playing, it is so much fun! No wonder those kids are so addictive to "playing video games" they do it because it is fun and under the pretense of "playing" children get challenges in front of them and many times they do it without much thought. This is where having young kids addictive to playing video games can get serious. Young children do not have the capacity of decision making like an adult would have. Even teenagers lack it. This will be another post to talk about: when the brain develops decision making in teenagers.

Back to Math, I have been working with a friend who happens to be a Bilingual Mandarin Teacher. I have learned so much, and I want it to include at least the numbers in this Math center, my students are very much enjoying it.

One of the ways in which I have been teaching math is by exposing my students to all different ways we can count--you know, numeric representations: tally marks, number lines, ten frames, dominoes, dice, rekenreks, etc. This build up automaticity and subitizing of the numbers. So that mental math becomes easier and basic operations of addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication become faster so that you do not have to take 10 minutes checking the change you got from the store cashier and you hold up the line.

Math is everywhere!

So one of the activities I do is that I give each student its own copy, so they can create their Chiqui*book. They write their name below the number, we cut it, and staple it on the left corner. I did not want to add page numbers because I want each child to order it their own way.
For the regular Spanish and English Language art Chiqui*books I do place number pages for the sake of reading, but this is more free---if you will.
One of the centers that I create is that I make about 7-8 copies in different cardboard and laminate it. So then, I choose all the ten frames of each number and create a center, I do this with each page of the book. So that there are all those cards in each center. I add the subtraction and addition cards so that students can create their own number sentences. I also add in other centers the Venn diagram that we can of created it as a group----since I have not yet introduced shapes in a formal way--the Venn diagram will go through some metamorphosis later. Right now, it is simple and to the point.

One of the games I play with the students is that I set different numbers of strings, so that the students learn to practice counting from that number like 3-9. So the first number is 3---not a 1 or a 0. Another set is 8 to 14, another one is 13-19, so that when the students hold the card up they have to figure out that the first number is an 8 or a 13.

I had to do this activity for a whole week before they started to understand that there was not a number 1 to start the string of numbers. Now, with all the practice they are starting to get it. I will not claim any victory until May. When we have done it over a zillion times. Practice make automaticity and comprehension happen at the same time.

Anyway, what games do you play? Share them here with us, so we can all learn and do them as centers or math activities.  I do like the fact that Common Core is bringing and validating that there are different ways to learn.  I really like it!

Have a great class day!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Literacy jewelry : Interactive Bracelets!

Every year we do all the foundational skills like: identification and recognition of upper case and lower case letters, classification of letter sounds, sorting of words by letters.  I am spicing it up by making interactive bracelets.
So it is the same activity that I have done in the past, but when they are done, they have bracelets to wear. When I started this activity, I allowed them to wear their bracelets when we went to lunch, and other students were asking them about the letters, even the Noon Supervisors and other teachers started asking my students questions. So, they are getting prompt by everyone which is something Kindergarteners love---- the attention!

I am starting it with two letters and 4 pictures for each, in alphabetic order and upper case letters.
They are turning out very nice, and the kids are really into it. One of the moms came and ask me to send home an extra one because their little sister also wanted her own letter bracelets! How fun!

The benefits:
  1. We are learning new words that start with the letters we are doing
  2. We practice writing out our name 3 times
  3. We are learning to color inside the lines and making it beautiful--they get better compliments!
  4. We are learning to classify the letters by choosing (the upper or lower case letters) or (beginning sounds) to glue it on.
  5. We are practicing cutting carefully!
  6. We are learning to control how much glue we use (always a PLUS in Kindergarten!)
  7. We are learning spatial spacing by bending the paper and creating the bracelets ( A mathematical concept when we do tridimensional shapes)
  8. We are learning to count by holding down the bracelet and letting the glue dry ( A must to get them to count to 100 by the end of Kindergarten--Common Core Standard!)
  9. Once we are done we can recall the pictures and identify the letter it starts with.
  10. The kids love the attention they are getting by wearing the bracelets during school recesses and lunch.
Not bad for Paper Jewelry ---Fun Literacy!

My students now look forward to making bracelets. I was worry that the boys were not going to be into it.  I decided to introduce the whole concept as a Superpower---Super Letter Power! They all got into it. Some boys compare it to the web action like Spider man does, and they press each picture around their bracelet as if a new hidden weapon materializes to attack their nemesis! Very creative imaginations!

We finish with the Upper case, now I am introducing them to the lower case letters. Also is no longer in the alphabetical order, now we are mixing it up. By the way we are doing the Spanish bracelets in the Spanish order of letters, first with the vowels plus y, then the consonants.

During English Language Development we do our English Bracelets. So they end up with 4 bracelets some days.  They love it!

Check them out here: