
Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Well I want to share a website that I have been using for three years and a half. It is called Prezi.
Prezi is a website that creates an interactive Power Point presentation. Are you familiar with Power Point? If you have ever sat through any workshop or teacher training you will have seen a power point.
A Power point is a program that allows you to sequence what you want to share with your audience. Most pages in power point can be composed of text, graphics, pictures, video, and you can also add music. Also it can be very simple! Just with text.
Power points offers a variety of cool designs for your pages, you can make it look like a notebook or chalkboard, it can be "theme" in a combination of artistic mixes.
When you present a Power Point you have a choice of the "transitions" in between the pages--all the cool effects that make the text appear or flip.

A Prezi is the next level of a Power Point. It takes a picture of a tree--for example, and it lets you place all the information in the parts of the tree: the roots, the trunk, the branches, and in any places your imagination allows it to be. Prezi lets you create the transition by zooming in, zooming out, do a 180 degree turn to the next location. You can create a Power Point and import it into Prezi and it would place it into whatever "theme picture" you choose.

I am a visual person and since I learned about Prezi, I have fallen in love with it. It allows you to be as creative or as a boring as you can possibly be with the effect of a 3-dimensional aspect to it. Take a look at my example! Use the link and you will see what I am talking about!

I use Prezi at school with my Bilingual Kindergarten and the students love it! Don't you? allows teachers to have an account for free, so go ahead and give it a try, you will engage not only your colleagues, but your students will love it!

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