
Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Sea

What do you think of my avatar? Well, I knew I could draw, but I have really enjoying designing frames and backgrounds for my resources.

So here you have a Starter Kit for the Back to School, I hope you like it!

I call it "Sea" because it looks like the sea, also I was having fun with all the colors, you know the Blue Sea, the Black Sea, the Red Sea, of course I got creative and also added the White Sea, the Pink Sea, the Purple Sea, and the Yellow Sea.
I know that is what happens after too much Jamba Juice! Hahaha! All those creative juices!

I also added it three of my favorite shapes.
The shell, the classic frame, and the waves frames.
I will be adding more frames as I post my new resources.
You can find this Sea Backgrounds and Frames at my TpT Store Bilingual Blooms

The backgrounds are 12 x 12 for anyone who does Scrapbooking out there, there are 300dpi in a png format.
Enjoy and leave me some feedback to see if you like it!
Thank you for coming by today!


Bilingual Blooms Store Open!

Finally, my Teachers Pay Teachers Store is open!
Check it out as I will be posting my activities, lessons, and graphics.

Here you have a Freebie for the start of the school year.

Every year, I start by doing this booklet with my students. As we go through the book, I learn more about who they are, what they know, and what they need to learn. I make a copy and I pulled this back towards the end of the year to remind them about how they used to draw and write. Most of my students are shocked of how much they have learned through out the year and they laughed saying that it was not theirs! I am going to start recording their reactions in video. It is very funny!

I hope you enjoy this too! You can downloaded for free at:

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Learning Curve

What a learning curve!!! I am so excited and exhausted, energetic and lethargic, awake and sleepy all at the same time!

Creating a product to post for TpT is an incredible journey. 
If you have not have a chance to post your own lessons and activities in TpT, you need to give it a try!
I decided that after 20 years of teaching is about time I share with my Teaching Community some of the tricks I have picked up along the way. It is useful and it would save you some Prep Time----(my classroom is my first Beta Testing Group) more so for the Bilingual Teachers out there. 

The dialogue will sound like this:

Bilingual Blooms (me!) -------What? You heard me? Who is out there?!!!
Other Bilingual Teachers ----We need Spanish materials!
Bilingual Blooms ---------------Yes, I know! I hear you! I created my own materials from scratch 20 years ago!
Other Bilingual Teachers -----Post them! Hurry up!!
Bilingual Blooms ----------------I will, I will, I am trying! I  just do not know in what folder I save my files!!??? JPEG? --no wait, PDF? (scratch head) What originals? What? Who is talking now?
Yoda    --------------------------PDF's, JPEG's, and PP's the three you must save!
Bilingual Blooms  ------------What? What??!!! What about my computer memory? I am going to run out of  memory!!!!
Yoda   --------------------------That! you did!

So yes, please be patient! Crazy! Sometimes I have these crazy dialogues in my head, it helps me deal with a bad day and I ended up laughing. It really helps, specially when you start laughing all of the sudden in the copy room, and you startle your colleagues! Then you laughed more because you did not realized you surprise them with your crazy thoughts! Guilty! Very guilty!

I have just learned some new amazing technology skills and I will do my best to not only showcase my products in TpT and Teachers Notebook, but I will also share my knowledge about how to do it, in case you also decide to share your knowledge in this AMAZING Community of Teachers! 

Have you ever had these internal dialogues in your head?? Post them! We all need a laugh once in a while, especially when not everything goes as plan!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Back to School Preparations!

I am excited about getting back to school! Aren't you?
I have been working in getting all the planning materials in place, deciding if I am going to have theme this year or not! 
One thing for sure is that I am hitting all the stores for sales! Target, Michaels, Joan's Fabrics, Home Depot, Costco, $1 Store, 99 Cent Stores, you name it!

I can never passed out the journals! I love those wide ruled composition books 9 3/4 X 7 1/2 in.  This year I will try what one of my old good teacher friend did. She cut up the composition books in half (Well! her husband did!), and she used them for Math and Science! Then also she had a complete one for ELA! I will see if my dearest one can do it for me, he loves to do any machine tool! Cross your fingers!

So I will try this, and I promise to post some pictures. I got some ideas on the Science and Math for this year that I will share with you here! Thank you for your patience! and Yes! I am starting to blog, so bear with me! Gosh! That sounds funny! Bear with me! as suppose to fish with me?! Funny English!
Please follow my shop at Teachers Notebook and at Teachers pay Teachers!

See you soon!